City of Lewiston
Verne and Leeanne McMaster, 1209 Airway Ave., replacement of residential window and door, $10,565.
Kyley Sells and Michael Coen, 1918 13th Ave., repair of residential fire damage, $100,000.
Elizabeth Braker and Livia Peart, 911 11th Ave., replacement of two residential windows, $2,100.
Mark Mayer, 928 Vista Ave., residential pole building, $21,113.
Odom Corporation, 3106 E. Main St., replacement of three commercial windows, $3,000.
Quality Design Homes, 1809 Airway Ave., single family dwelling, $264,032.
Odom Corporation, 3106 E. Main St., addition of new office to existing commercial office space, $2,000.
Quality Design Homes, 1807 Airway Ave., single-family dwelling, $264,032.
S & J Teng, 719 21st St., Suite 2, creation of two new commercial tenant spaces and restrooms, $50,000.
Karie Griffis, 3434 18th St., residential pole building, $33,240.
Joe Archer, 3815 15th St., replacement of residential windows, $12,600.
Tobin and Carleen Baldwin, 409 Park Drive, residential pole building, $7,500.
Rocky Barlow, 535 28th St. N., commercial, metal-framed, shell building, $400,000.
Sol Warnock, 502 25th Ave., enlargement of residential wall opening, $2,750.
Jeremy Topp, 2609 Fourth Ave. N., residential back patio awning, $12,525.
Eric and Keicia Hight, 1508 Horizon Court, detached garage and storage structure, $43,000.
Kimberly and Patrick Donohue, 2613 Seaport Drive, detached garage with loft and bedroom, $93,000.
1919 Cedar Avenue LLC — Joshwa Fuchs, 1919 Cedar Ave., addition and remodel of entire residence, $200,000.
Christopher and Aubrey Reese, 932 Grelle Ave., single-family dwelling, $500,000.
Eric Forsmann, 3419 Fourth St. D, Space 8, replacement of manufactured home, $15,000.
David and Rosaline Matoske, 616 10th St., replacement of two residential windows, $7,848.
Michael and Karey Cannon, 408 Fifth Ave., addition of bathroom to basement in residence, $15,196.
Darick and Laura Heimgartner, 3710 22nd St., residential — duplex and townhouse, $592,196.
Asotin County
Caleb Rempel, 2018 Crestview Drive, Clarkston, deck, $6,656.
Charles Beau Driskill, 1665 Bennett Hill Drive, Clarkston, single-family residence, $149,240.
Jordan Peters, 2645 St. Helens Court, Clarkston, single-family residence, $200,020.
City of Clarkston
Nelson Family Enterprise, 370 14th St., commercial plumbing for new warehouse, $24,100.
John and Molly Larson, 1280 Fair St., upgrade cell tower, $25,000.