COLFAX — Michelle Perkins, Palouse, and Sharry Krom, Lacrosse, won trips to a state Make It With Wool contest at Yakima by winning first places in the district competition here Sunday. The state contest will be Nov. 3-4 at Yakima.
Miss Perkins displayed a beige suit with matching scarf and Miss Krom a beige wool dress with a wool coat. Miss Perkins was in the junior division, age 15-18, and Miss Krom in the senior division, age 18-21.
In the sub-deb division, age 11-15, Glenda Bourne, Palouse, was the winner. Mrs. Lloyd Morgan, Pomeroy, won the adult division.
Place winners in the junior division, Vicki Krom, Lacrosse, second; Darlene Kelly, Lamont, third; Marilyn Fulfs, Pullman, fourth; senior division, Karen Winch, Pullman, second.
The contest was sponsored by the Colfax Home Economics Club in cooperation with the American Wool Council. Mrs. Carol Quigg was chairman. Entries were from Garfield and Whitman counties.
Thirty-six entries modeled their own clothing made from wool.
This story was published in the Oct. 29, 1962, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.