Local NewsApril 21, 2024

Lewis-Clark Toastmasters

Lalonni Burke was toastmaster for the group’s April 11 meeting.

David Carringer was named best speaker with a speech titled was the title of his speech, “Bicycle Freedom.”

Pete Gertonson was table topic master and Chance Brumley was named best table topic speaker.

Nick Woods was general evaluator and Savannah Carringer was named best evaluator.

Vic Racicot was grammarian and word of the day was “insidious.”

The next meeting is 6-7:15 a.m. Thursday at 709 Sixth St. in Lewiston.

— Submitted by Pete Gertonson

Twin Rivers Toastmasters

Doug Crook led the group’s April 16 meeting as president and Jerome Hansen headed the meeting as the toastmaster.

Elizabeth Braker was the sole speaker and she gave a speech titled “Honor, Ethics & Integrity.” Lindsay Hudson evaluated her.

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Mark Havens was the timer. Diana Higgins was the table topics master, and her theme was sleep. Bruce Neu, who spoke about his recurring dreams, was chosen table topics winner.

— Submitted by Bruce Neu

Alpha Delta Kappa, Xi Chapter

President Terry Whipple presided over the group’s April 11 meeting with nine members and one guest in attendance at the Hells Canyon Grand Hotel in Lewiston.

Whipple introduced the guest speaker, Kate Patterson, co-owner of Patt’s Garden Center in Clarkston, who brought a large selection of plants to show and describe. She also brought items from the store’s gift shop.

Patterson told members about the recent installation of a permanent Story Path in Clarkston’s Beachview Park, which was created by the Asotin County Library Foundation where she is a member.

Whipple then called the regular meeting to order with Jill Roberts giving the opening prayer. Members answered roll call by telling the name of their favorite flower.

Whipple reminded members to turn their hours of volunteering into Vice President Nancy Benson for her Altruistic Committee report. The Courtesy Committee report included “Thinking of You” cards which will be sent to two members who have been unable to attend meetings for the past several months.

Whipple reported she and Treasurer Julie Snider will attend the state convention in Boise later this month. Whipple thanked members who have financially contributed to the Scholarship Fund. The table decorations of pots of pansies, a large basket of patio decorations and a basket of home office goodies were supplied by the meeting hosts, Snider and Whipple. Karen Kucera, Phyllis Laird and Sharon Sheahan were winners of the gift baskets.

The next meeting will be 11 a.m. May 9 at the Hells Canyon Grand Hotel. Benson, Rona Meske and Sharon Sheahan will be hosts.

— Submitted by Cottie Hood

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