Lewis Clark Toastmasters
Savannah Carringer was toastmaster of the group’s Sept. 7 meeting with Brenda Pangborn, Toastmaster District officer, in attendance.
David Carringer was chosen best speaker for giving a speech titled “True Evil.”
Pete Gertonson was table topic master. Patti Mann was chosen best table topic speaker and Pangborn was named best evaluator.
Vic Racicot was grammarian and word of the day was “reiterate.”
The next meeting is 6-7:15 a.m. Thursday at 709 Sixth St. in Lewiston.
— Submitted by Pete Gertonson
1912 Bridge Club
MOSCOW — Members met Sept. 7 for their weekly duplicate bridge game in the game room of the 1912 Center here.
Winners: first place — Pete Ruppel and Larry Kirkland; second place — Joan and Bill Tozer; third place — Dianne Cole and Gary Peterson.
— Submitted by Gary Peterson
Lewiston-Clarkston Lions
President Barry Pemberton presided over the group’s Aug. 23 meeting. After the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation were recited, the members sang “Happy Birthday” to William Long.
Officer reports were given by Treasurer Linn Pemberton with a monthly financial report and Secretary Jean Persoon gave an updated membership list. Membership has decreased because of deaths, ill health and nonrenewal, and all present were reminded to continue asking people they come in contact with to consider attending a meeting.
Members passed around a signup sheet for working at the Lewiston Roundup parking lot, and instructions were given for those volunteering for the Sept. 6-9 rodeo.
Barry Pemberton reported six members had met at the clubhouse to package 2,100 pairs of used eyeglasses which had been donated. They were to be delivered Sept. 14-15 by Barry and Linn Pemberton to the Northwest Lions eyeglasses recycling center in Olympia.
The organization’s district governor planned a Sept. 13 visit to the club.
The club received a small grant from the Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation for the purchase of hearing and visual screening equipment to be used at area schools. Club members use this equipment, as well as some borrowed equipment, to assist school healthcare employees with annual student screenings.
Members voted to send $250 to the Red Cross to help victims of the fire in Medical Lake, Wash.
— Submitted by Barry Pemberton