Local NewsMay 20, 2018

On behalf of all fourth-grade students, fourth-grade teachers, Gifted & Talented facilitators and staff, and the Lewiston School District administration, a wholehearted thank you to each of the volunteers and presenters who made the Fourth Grade History Rendezvous on May 10 such a success.

The excitement from the students with the enthusiasm of our presenters and volunteers made us recognize and appreciate the important educational value provided by a motivated and knowledgeable public.

Thank you for the monetary support provided by Camelot, Centennial, McGhee, McSorley, Orchards, Webster and Whitman P.T.A.s, Beacon, Cornerstone, All Saints, Children's House, Clearwater Paper and L.I.F.E.

Tracy Riener

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McSorley Elementary School Gifted and Talented Facilitator



The Tribune publishes letters of thanks in the Sunday A.M. section on a space-available basis. They are limited to 100 words and deadline is 3 p.m. Wednesday.

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