Oratorio Opening Feature of Commencement.
Baccalaureate Service May 30 and Graduation Program on June 2.
This story appeared in the May 21, 1926, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.
One of the early and notable features of the Normal school commencement season will be the oratorio, Haydn's "Creation," to be presented on next Tuesday evening at the Normal auditorium, under the direction of Mrs. Clella L. Perkins. This has been in course of preparation, with weekly rehearsals, with the exception of only a few weeks, ever since last September.
There will be a chorus of 70 voices, from talent in Lewiston and Clarkston, and a nine-piece orchestra. The soloists will include: E. O. Bangs, tenor, dean of the department of music at the University of Idaho, at Moscow; Miss Alice Ross, soprano, of the school of music at Moscow; Dr. Paul W. Johnson, baritone, Clarkston; Mrs. Vonley Miller, Lewiston, soprano; Mrs. George C. Campbell, Lewiston, organ. A trio will consist of Miss Ross, Mr. Bangs and Norman Luvaas, the latter also of the school of music at Moscow.
The production at this time of this great work of the master Haydn is of notable musical Interest, being of highly cultural character, the oratoria being one of the highest forms of musical composition, given without scenery, costumes or dramatic action. The oratorio is termed a form of sacred music, chiefly epic in character, consisting of choruses and solos, accompanied by orchestra, and generally preceded by an instrumental overture. Haydn's work is of lyric and descriptive character, rather than epic. It ranks next to "The Messiah" in merit, its production in Lewiston affords a wonderful opportunity to see and hear a work by one of the masters of music.
As an expression of appreciation for her faithful work, the oratorio chorus, at the rehearsal on Tuesday evening, presented Mrs. Perkins with a beautiful baton of solid ivory and silver mounting.
Commencement Season.
The various events of the commencement season will be as follows:
Saturday, May 22-Senior breakfast. 9 a.m.
Tuesday, May. 25-President's tea to senior class, 4:15 to 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 27-Oratorio, 8:15 p.m. ,
Friday, May 28-Campus fete, 7 p.m.
Sunday, May 30-Baccalaureate, 8 p.m.
Monday, May 31-Alumni banquet, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday. June 1-President's reception, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, June 2 - Commencement, 9:45 a.m.
The baccalaureate sermon will be preached on Sunday evening, May 30, at the auditorium, by Rev. Stephen B. L. Penrose, D. D., president of Whitman college, Walla Walla. The commencement speaker on Wednesday morning will be Rev. Jesse H. Baird. D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian church of Boise, Idaho. The graduating class numbers 137 members, for the year.