Today is Friday, the 74th day of 2013, with 291 days left in the year.
Today is ...
Friday. It is also the 15th day of March, meaning that in just five days it will officially be spring. The National Weather Service says today's high will be 64, so I say we start celebrating now.
Joke corner
An interview with a beer drinker:
Interviewer: Do you drink every day?
Beer drinker: Yes.
Interviewer: How much a day?
Beer drinker: Around three six-packs, starting at noon.
Interviewer: How much does a six-pack cost?
Beer drinker: Roughly $10 at a deli.
Interviewer: And how long have you been drinking like that?
Beer drinker: 15 years.
Interviewer: So with a six-pack costing $10, and you consuming three a day, you're roughly spending $900 each month or $10,800 per year, correct?
Beer drinker: Sounds right.
Interviewer: If in one year you spend $10,800 on beer, not accounting for inflation, 15 years puts your spending at roughly $162,000, correct?
Beer drinker: I suppose so.
Interviewer: Did it ever occur to you that if you did not drink for the last 15 years, you could have bought a Ferrari?
Beer drinker: Do you drink?
Interviewer: No.
Beer drinker: So where's your Ferrari?
- Submitted by Rick Rogers of Clarkston
Truths about getting old:
1. You're prepared to trade technology for common sense.
2. An app used to be an aperture. Do they still have cameras?
3. The bills get bigger, the print gets smaller.
4. Your grandchildren urge you not to go on Facebook.
Define this
Definition No. 1 - A subordinate ruler, often a despotic one.
Definition No. 2 - A type of restraint used to hold large cargo in place when being shipped across the ocean.
Hint: z = a
Tensile - Capable of being stretched or drawn out; ductile.
very stoop be man's could cat - would it." never best "The admitting Doug to Larson but friend well
"The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it." - Doug Larson
The Edge is currently compiled and edited by Peggy Hayden. Contact: The Edge, 505 Capital St., Lewiston, ID 83501;, (208) 848-2243; or by fax, attn: Edge, (208) 746-1185.