About 9,500 customers of Clearwater Power Co. in north central Idaho and southeastern Washington will see their electricity rates rise soon.
The increase is in response to a plan by the federal Bonneville Power Administration to boost its prices by 5 percent.
Clearwater Power receives all its electricity from BPA. Rates for Clearwater Power's average residential customers will climb by about 7 percent, or $6.50 a month, to $96.30.
Clearwater Power's average small commercial customers will see their bills increase by 6.5 percent, or $9, to $141.
The boost for large commercial customers will vary widely, depending on a number of factors.
The increases will show in bills customers receive about Sept. 1, which cover parts of July and August.
Clearwater Power is including information about the rate increases in bills customers will receive about Aug. 1.
This is Clearwater Power's first increase in about two years, said Sandy Huling, general manager. "We're constantly pressuring BPA to keep their costs in line.''
Prices of everything are growing, Huling said. Clearwater Power is now paying more for small items, such as postage, and large expenses, such as electricity, which represents half the utility's expenditures, Huling said.
Only one of the region's other three utilities will be affected by the BPA rate increase. Idaho County Light & Power has been considering a 2 percent hike, but no decision has been made.
The region's largest electricity utility, Avista, doesn't buy power from BPA. Inland Power and Light has a long-term contract with BPA at set rates.
Williams may be contacted at ewilliam@lmtribune.com