NorthwestSeptember 27, 2019


Market: Feeders Steady on light test

Cows: Utility 64 to 70; Breaking Cows 60 to 65; Canners & Cutters 50 to 60; Young Feeders N/A.

Bulls 65 to 85; Baby Calves N/A; Stock Cows 800 to 1200 per head; Stock Cows w/ Calves N/A.

Comments: Calf and Feeder Sale Wednesday.

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Market: Steady.

Barrows & Gilts No. 1&2 65 to 70; No. 3 60 to 65; Butcher Hogs light N/A; Sows 400-600 lbs. 10 to 20; Boars 1 to 15; Feeder Pigs 40 to 65.


Market: 5 to 10 higher.

Choice Slaughter Lambs 110 to 175; Feeder Lambs 65-90 lbs. 150 to 170; Ewes N/A; Cull Ewes 40 to 60.

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