Stories published in the Lewiston Tribune on ...
June 18, 2001
PULLMAN — The Direct Seed and Precision Farming Research Field Day June 28 will be the first field day ever held at the new Washington State University Cunningham Agronomy Farm northeast of here.
MISSOULA — Josh Burton provided two vital hits — in fact, his only two hits of the day — when the Lewis-Clark Twins needed them most, and that helped them claim the championship of the Scott Klaudt Memorial American Legion baseball tourney on Sunday.
June 18, 1981
The athletic advisory committee to the Lewiston School Board has now put the renovation of Bengal Field atop its priority list for improvements in the athletic program in the district.
The Lewiston School District and the Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District are interested in tapping the LOID well as a source of geothermal energy to heat Camelot Elementary School.