MOSCOW -- A committee has completed a four-month inquiry into how Moscow residents want to spend approximately $5 million left to the city from late businessman Bob Hamilton.
The Hamilton Dream Team, a 10-person committee led by Moscow Mayor Marshall Comstock, will finalize results of a resident survey by Aug. 1 and submit a report and recommendations to the city council.
More than 300 questionnaires were mailed to permanent Moscow residents as part of the recreation facility survey. Survey researcher Damon Burton says nearly two-thirds of the questionnaires have been returned.
After the survey results are brought to the city council, a subsequent committee will be formed to prioritize projects and begin development.
The 11 potential projects, prioritized from first to last according to the Dream Team's recommendations, are:
Development of a nature park and petting zoo.
Construction of an ice rink.
Continuation of developing multi-use recreational trails.
Construction of additional outdoor athletic fields.
Acquisition of future parkland.
Purchase of a removable plastic bubble to make the Hamilton Lowe Aquatic Center pool a year-round facility.
Construction of youth meeting and classroom spaces.
Construction of an indoor multi-use athletic facility.
Development of a young-adult activity center.
Renovation of the Eggan Youth Center.
Development and renovation of existing parks and parkland.
Hamilton, born and raised in Moscow, died in January and bestowed his entire estate to the city.
In 1999, Hamilton purchased for Moscow the site of the new Hamilton Lowe Aquatic Center.