NorthwestSeptember 17, 2023

Nez Perce County Commission

Time: 1:30 p.m. Monday

Place: Main Floor Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St.


Certification of levies — action item.

State/local agreement for Old Spiral Highway guardrail Phase 1 between Nez Perce County and the Idaho Transportation Department — action item.

Summary of medical and vision insurance benefits from Regence BlueShield of Idaho — action item.

Lexis Advance (Registered trademark) subscription amendment for state and local government — action item.

Destruction of records pursuant to Idaho code — action item.

Idaho strategic initiatives grant program, local transportation grant program application for Webb Road, phase 2A project — action item.

Usable Life Group application for employee benefits for supplemental life and disability coverage — action item.

Application for merchant card processing and an addendum to merchant services processing agreement for credit card and ACH/ECheck processing — action item.

Declaration of Nez Perce County’s intention to enter into an agreement with Northwest Fourslide pursuant to Idaho code — action item.

Professional services agreement between Nez Perce County and Autumn White, Mountain White Consulting — action item.

Asotin County Commission

Time: 6:30 p.m. Monday

Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin


Business associates agreement for professional services with Unleashed Marketing+ Design LLC — action item.

Amended business associate agreement with Coast Transportation Services — action item.

Conditional use permit, The Lamar Companies LLC, 1486 Maple St. — action item.

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Conditional use permit, Hells Canyon Pools, dba Hells Canyon Event Center, 1445 Fifth St. — action item.

Regence dental benefit renewal — action item.

Discussion on Broadband Equity, Access & Deployment MOU draft.

Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport Authority board

Time: 3 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Airport administration building, 3632 Stearman St., Lewiston.


Election of board positions — action item.

Golf course property appraisal.

Lease with Delta Air Lines — action item.

Lease with Rogers Property Management — action item.

Ardurra task order for terminal study — action item.

Executive session for potential litigation.

Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District

Time: 6 p.m. Monday and Wednesday

Place: 1522 Powers Ave., Lewiston


Irrigation and capital project updates from manager.

Rates for 2023 irrigation assessments — action item.

Fire treatment agreement for Lake Waha — action item.

LOID election for districts five and six — action item.

Destruction of records per records retention policy — action item.

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