Monica May Smith, 81, of Lewiston - 11 a.m. services, Malcom's Brower-Wann Funeral Home, 1711 18th St., Lewiston.
Leona Ellen (Toni) Herman Bollar, 64, Jackson, Wyo., - 2 p.m. celebration of life, Long Valley Finnish Church, McCall; reception to follow at the senior center, McCall.
Lonnie L. Juran, 93, of Lewiston - 2 p.m. graveside service, Garden of Honor, Lewis-Clark Memorial Gardens, Lewiston.
Wilma Lucille Rainville, 86, of Lewiston - 11 a.m. memorial service, First Church of the Nazarene, 1700 Eighth St., Lewiston.
Dwight M. Poole, 81, of Clarkston - 1 p.m. celebration of life, Life Center Foursquare Church, 2377 Appleside Blvd., Clarkston.
Scott David Stratton, 51, of Pullman - 1:30 p.m. celebration of life, Washington State University Alumni Center, Pullman.
Gary E. Eggers, 77, of Bovill - 1 p.m. memorial, Moscow Church of the Nazarene, 1400 E. Seventh St., Moscow. Covered-dish dinner to follow in the fellowship hall.
Neuvada J. Betz, 85, of Lewiston - 3 p.m. funeral service, Mountain View Funeral Home, 3521 Seventh St., Lewiston.
Jeanette Martin, 101, of Lewiston - 2 p.m. memorial service, Royal Plaza Care Center, 2870 Juniper Drive, Lewiston.
Debra Kay Rose, 50, of Clarkston - 2 to 6 p.m. celebration of life and covered-dish dinner, Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, 1104 Warner Ave., Lewiston.
Jeanne Prine, 72, of Clarkston - 11 a.m. celebration of life, New Bridges Community Church, 2102 Eighth St., Lewiston. Reception to follow at Guardian Angel Barn, 2221 Vineyard Ave., Lewiston.