OpinionOctober 27, 2024

Commentary: Opinion of Richard Eggleston

People who have medical training should be able to make logical conclusions from available data. Once again, Dr. John Rusche in an Oct. 9 Lewiston Tribune commentary had difficulty doing so.

Everyone knows that if the fertilized egg of an eagle or a condor is destroyed, that genetic information for the benefit of the species and humanity can’t be recovered and is forever lost. So every logical effort has been made to save those species. Thankfully, it succeeded.

Since that concept applies to birds and every endangered species, why isn’t it applied to humans?

In my Dec. 24 commentary in the Tribune, I explained how the mother’s and father’s DNA genetic information started a new human with a unique DNA for genealogical and forensic purposes.

In his column, Rusche again expressed the need to resolve the labor shortage. Once again, the logical conclusion is that since at least 60 million pre-born babies were aborted in the U.S. — which he seems to support — then they won’t be around to fill that labor need. That implies, and another logical conclusion follows, that the embryos of every other animal are deemed worthy of saving, except humans, who have their own God-given intrinsic right to life as enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. These lost lives and the normalizing of selfishness — and that evil is good and good is evil — are the most obvious examples of the current crushing of our country’s founding norms for God’s blessings.

With those extra millions of lost U.S. citizens, the worsening societal problems from illegal immigration would not have occurred. Yes, I know we are a nation of legal immigrants who with their cultural diversity have built our wonderful American society and are welcomed and appreciated.

The logical conclusion of an open border policy is that many of the world’s population of 8 billion are trying to get here. Is that sustainable or even possible?

Here are other countries treat people who cross their borders illegally:

In North Korea, you get 12 years of hard labor.

In Afghanistan, you get shot.

In Iran, you are indefinitely detained.

In China, you probably will never be heard from again. Instead, you risk becoming an involuntary organ donor.

In Venezuela and Cuba, you are considered a spy and your fate is sealed.

I list the following perks to make sure we understand the situation correctly. Crossing the U.S. border illegally gets you a job, a driver’s license, a Social Security card, welfare, food stamps, credit cards, subsidized rent in upscale hotels (which U.S. veterans don’t get), free flights bypassing the Transportation Security Administration, a loan to buy a house, free education and free health care, including gender-changing surgery.

Undocumented immigrants also get a lobbyist in Washington, D.C., public documents printed in their language at a cost of billions of dollars, getting to vote (in California, it’s illegal to even ask for identification) and the right to carry their country’s flag (in their hearts and mind, it’s still their country) while protesting they don’t get enough benefits here. They are engaged in organized crime involving even 11-year-old gang members, whose criminal actions are expunged from their records, assuming they are actually arrested. Does Aurora, Colo., the murder and raping of hundreds of American citizens and the dangers of subway travel ring a bell?

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Or, as Marvin F. Dugger wrote last week, the flow of immigrants is tied to 116,000 deaths from fentanyl last year alone. This is twice the total of U.S. soldiers lost in the Vietnam War. Add the total years from Kamala Harris’ and Joe Biden’s open border to get about 500,000 missing Rusche workers because of drug deaths.

I again ask: Is this sustainable? No, but that’s the goal — the destruction of America.

After the deteriorating economy, inflation, housing shortages and minority job losses made worse by the illegals, the most cited problems shown in polling are the illegal immigrants with child trafficking (more than 350,000 children are unaccounted for) and more than 15,000 known terrorists and murderers allowed to be here. Iranian terrorists have tried to assassinate a U.S. presidential candidate and interfere with this year’s elections.

On Tuesday, the announcement was made that a major national cyber security exercise will occur on Election Day by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. It is described as a large-scale interactive event, with participants from federal, state, county and city government agencies, along with academia and industry. Therefore, foreign interference in our election may have company. So expect a “tabulation problem” on and around Election Day.

By the time this commentary is published, many voters will have cast their ballot for the future of this “greatest nation on God’s green earth.” I pray our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can live freely with the opportunities by being born or legally immigrated in this nation.

Hopefully, those who don’t have enough life experience to appreciate it or actively reject but enjoy the benefits of it grow to appreciate their great blessing to have lived here. Why are so many risking death or possibly sex- or child-slavery to come here if this country is so awful? Or why haven’t any of the leftists who have promised to leave the U.S., done so?

I am sure the woke, atheistic, reproductive freedom ideologues will be upset at my comments and others and would wish to have me silenced or canceled, as they would George Washington, who said: “If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

Thankfully, the Lewiston Tribune has the understanding and grit to stand for free speech, which is why I keep encouraging you to subscribe to it. Understanding and grit are rare in today’s media.

You can easily be bullied yourself by the above ideologues for an “improper” pronoun use. Or you can be fired, as an Oregon Forestry Department official was, for using merit instead of diversity, equity and inclusion as the basis for hiring personnel.

Or, like Dr. Renata Moon, you can have your employment terminated from Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine after she testified about the now widely known ineffective and dangerous COVID-19 vaccines at the invitation of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

All prescription medications are by law required to have a package insert for the patient to read about side effects. She showed the vaccine insert with no information, only the words “Left Intentionally Blank.”

For that, WSU fired her and the Washington Medical Commission made her unemployable by launching an investigation and then dropping the charges of “misinformation.” She is likely to get damages from a justified lawsuit. Moon is a local example of physicians advocating for their patients and being punished by the medical-government-business combine.

Dietrich Bonhoffer’s observation about the illegality of Nazism still applies: By not opposing injustices early in a developing totalitarian state, eventually you will be targeted and wonder where those who could help you are.

Leaders such as Pope John Paul II sent Polish Communism into the dust bin of history. Our prayers for revival and return to God’s ways are required for continued freedom.

“Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it.” Deuteronomy 10:14

Eggleston, M.D., is a retired ophthalmologist. His email address is rjegglestonmd@gmail.com.

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