Yes on Mountainview levy
Our Founding Fathers understood the importance of educating every citizen. Thomas Jefferson believed only educated citizens could make the American experiment in self-government succeed.
The K-12 generation of students is destined to be a defining group of citizens that can bring our county and country back on its feet. We need them to be smart and educated more than ever. Parents, citizens and our communities are failing if we don’t financially support our investment in our future.
Its worthy of note that Idaho County has almost the lowest property tax rate in Idaho, 41st out of 44. We have room for a few dollars to keep our schools.
The levy each year is what makes up about 25% of the budget. It is not extra; there is no fluff. Each time the levy fails, the schools get 25% less to operate on. For the last few years we had federal COVID-19 funds and school admin digging desperately for any additional dollars to help the schools survive. They no longer have those extra resources available. Businesses and communities are deeply dependent on strong, vibrant schools.
The budget is available for all to see and the potential cuts of levy failure are also available. As time to vote draws near there will be many misleading voices that will attempt to drive you away from common sense and reason. This is a critical time for Idaho County and America. It’s time to vote yes for Mountain View School District 244 levy.
Steve Munson
More levy?
So, my property tax went up 40% this year (on a fixed income), and they want more (levy)?
Lew Anderson