Nobody’s always right
I have noticed for the last several years a growing disdain for our leaders and each other.
Joe Biden is our president. Before him was Donald Trump.
When a person is elected president, he deserves our respect. We have a right to disagree with their political views but we should be civil about it.
When I read a letter and the author uses a derogatory term to describe our president, I quit reading it. I no longer respect his opinion.
I feel the same way about people disrespecting other writers to the Opinion page. ...
In this great nation, we are all entitled to our opinions. That’s what made this nation great.
That’s why we need to hear what each other has to say. I have never known anyone who is always right.
When I write a letter, I am trying to persuade people to look at things from a different viewpoint.
I may be right. I may be wrong. It’s just my opinion.
I enjoy reading other people’s opinions. I may not agree but I promise if they are civil and respectful, they will have me thinking about what they have said.
Our country also works best when our representatives listen to each other and compromise. Having only one political party never ends well. ...
The Nazi Party was just one of several political parties in Germany until it got full control.
Freedom is fragile. It can be taken away, even by people with the best of intentions.
Dan Long