OpinionNovember 6, 2024

Complete ignorance

And the grand prize for the most ignorant letter of the year goes to Mike Epstein, of Clarkston (Tribune Oct. 13), for his complete ignorance of the situation between the so-called Palestinians and the state of Israel.

The first inclination any educated person could have toward Epstein’s ridiculous tirade, “Understanding Israel,” would be to completely refute it, a task that would be very simple. However, one would need a very long snorkel to get down and wallow in that deep mudhole.

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Instead, I would suggest two books to Mr. Epstein that might help him learn a few real facts on the topic of the Israeli-Palestinian situation. Those two books would be “One Jewish State” by David Friedman and “The Israel Test” by George Gilder.

Both books can be found on Amazon. One would hope Mr. Epstein would take the time to learn a few facts before making a total fool of himself in the future.

Dick Sherwin


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