OpinionSeptember 28, 2024

Solving U.S. problems

It is time someone with accounting knowledge like Janet Marugg (Sept. 8 Tribune Opinion section) confirmed what I have thought for years about tariffs. American consumers reimburse businesses when purchasing their products.

The same is true for business taxes. When young, before my accounting education, I also said tax businesses, not individual taxpayers. It is the same story as tariffs. Businesses are reimbursed that tax expense because it is included in the price American consumers pay for their products.

If we had real and diligent accountants in our American governments they would correct these issues. By illuminating tariffs and taxes, businesses could reduce the price of all products by as much as 20%.

Businesses pay an amount equal to the employee payroll deduction. Another item reimbursed by American consumers purchasing their products. Solution: Eliminate the cap on payroll Social Security and Medicare completely. That should solve the current expected shortage in those funds, and the bigwigs would not get any bigger Social Security check after retirement just because they paid more into the program. Another 7% to 10% savings for American consumers.

What about the money needed to operate and pay down the U.S. debt? Simple: Have a federal sales tax of 15% on everything you buy except food/groceries, medical (including doctors, hospitals and pharmacy prescriptions) and purchase of a home to live in.

Result, businesses would no longer file tax returns.

Finally, add 15% to Social Security recipients’ checks to compensate for the federal sales tax.

David Domolecny


It’s not fair

I have a friend whose daughter was recently fired from her job, and she has a pending felony on her record. (Her lawyer says that will be dropped soon.) She is getting unemployment, so therefore she has to apply for jobs weekly; because of the pending felony that isn’t happening.

Yet we have a narcissist, a liar, a racist and a 34-time convicted felon running for president. How is this fair?

He says he will make America great again. Seems to me America is working pretty well for him.

Connie Morrow


Strange behavior

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I have for years heard of bizarre, harassing behavior from the Transportation Security Administration agents at the Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport, and in August, I got to experience it myself.

As I went through the body scanner, the agent insisted on having me open my dirty handkerchief so he could look at my snot. Why? We’ll never know. Then, things got weirder.

A scented candle was discovered in my wife’s luggage. They insisted that they needed to pat me down over this. So one agent felt up my genitals, while another daintily dangled my wife’s underwear, over a scented candle.

I have flown a lot, and I’ve never had anything so stupid happen anywhere else with the TSA. The real problem is, this isn’t a one-off event. For over a decade, the LWS TSA has been doing similar things to family and friends. This behavior needs to come to the light.

I encourage everyone to first, file a complaint with the TSA when this nonsense happens. They have a form at tsa.gov/contact-center/form/complaints. Second, since the TSA’s response is to pretty much ignore your complaint, write to the Tribune. Share your stories of having your diaries read, your private papers shuffled through one by one, your genitals grabbed, your snot examined.

Unless the LWS TSA experiences public pressure from us, we will continue to experience public pressure from them.

Matthew DeGoede

SeaTac, Wash.

Debate revelations

There were a few revelations during the Kamala Harris-Donald Trump debate on Sept. 10. They were comments by the former president.

For instance, he said: “ ... gangs are taking over cities. ... millions of insane criminals are entering America. ... Immigrants are eating pets. ... Babies are being killed after they are born. ... Vote for me and you will never have to vote again. ... Your son will go to school and come home a girl after getting a sex change in school. ... I am the chosen one. ...” and on and on.

A few old sayings define this debate:

“No amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot.” — Mark Twain.

“Never miss a good chance to shut up.” — Will Rogers.

“You can’t fix stupid.” — Ron White.

R.M. Strongoni


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