Appreciates support
In regard to Lucia Cundy's bitter and accusatory remarks about me in the letters of July 8, I would like to thank all of the current and former players, parents, coaches, volunteers and board members from both sides of the river for their overwhelming support.
I am glad to hear from the people who actually know me as a teacher, father and coach that they found her comments about "reinventing" the Lewis-Clark program because of a "weak schedule" and needing to learn "hard work, respect, sportsmanship and humility" nothing short of laughable.
I would further like to congratulate the Asotin County Blues coaches, players and parents on their success in the early years of developing that program, and look forward to many years of friendly competition as they continue to develop players into the future Twins and Patriots, as many previous Clarkston High School and Asotin High School players have contributed to the success of our programs in the past (and present).
To the Cundy family: I wish continued success to the Patriots, Blues, Twins and Cubs as they approach this year's post season, not only in "accolades and accomplishments," but as young men representing the region in a first-class manner. This bridge was only burned from your end, and I hope that soon you will be able to set aside your personal grudge and move on. Best of luck to your son and all the baseball players from both sides of the river.
Justin Miller
Head coach, L-C Cubs
Following Tea Party line
As the executive director of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, Wayne Hoffman should take a leadership role and keep Idaho free from his decidedly obtuse sense of humor. In his letter "Land Board should buy Tribune next," Hoffman says that "defenders of free market capitalism correctly asserted that the state government would be competing against the private sector, and the private sector would be at an obvious disadvantage."
The Land Board has competed against the private sector since its inception, and Hoffman, Gov. C. L. (Butch) Otter and schools Superintendent Tom Luna know that.
So why the hue and cry over Affordable Storage? Perception and money. It's not going to look very good to their Tea Party overlords if Otter and Luna "knowingly" voted to put the government's interest ahead of the private sector.
Governments at the local, state and federal level will always compete in some fashion with the private sector. The Land Board made the right choice in purchasing Affordable Storage. And as far as the Idaho state government owning a hot dog cart: Sounds like a wiener to me.
Brian Kolstad
More lies
Robert Reich is the liar, on Oct. 15, 2009, Elijah Friedeman of The Millennial Perspective stated; "A recording of Robert Reich, a current Obama advisor, talking about health care has surfaced." The quotes I used are from that recording. You can reach Elijah at
According to Reich, "these comments are what a liberal presidential candidate would say. I only wish Obama would be honest like this."
Reich ... wants to deny health care to old folks. "They're too expensive." ...
On Oct. 10, 2009, Reich said, "Old people have to die."
We have a lot of lies coming out of Washington, D.C. On Sept. 9, 2009; Obama said, "I will protect Medicare." Now he has taken action to:
I stand by my comments this administration is out to make paupers out of everyone on Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, covered by Medicare or Medicaid. Yet they are still sending $500 million to the terrorist group that want sto destroy Israel and kill Americans, and is supporting ACORN, which is guilty of voter fraud. They were caught on tape advising undercover reporters on how to evade tax, immigration and child prostitution laws. They were unceremoniously kicked off a U.S. Census Bureau program as a result of a Judicial Watch investigation. ... So why are we still supporting them? ...
Jack Stratton