Marriage vows were exchanged April 30 at Christ the Lord Lutheran Church at Carefree, Ariz., by Kathleen Carol Seery and George Anthony Kurdy, both of Ponca City, Okla. The Rev. Bob Hudson of Christ the Lord Lutheran Church officiated the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Frank and Florence Edward Seery of Rolling Meadows, Ill. She graduated in 1967 from Sacred Heart of Mary High School at Rolling Meadows and from Harper College at Paletine, Ill., in 1993. She is employed as a travel agent at Ponca City.
He is a 1969 Lewiston High School graduate and the son of Aloea Kurdy of Lewiston and the late George Kurdy. He graduated from the University of Idaho at Moscow in 1973 and 1
974 and is employed as a chemical engineer by Conoco at Ponca City.
Patricia Wall of Barrington, Ill., was the matron of honor. Jessica Sparling of Carefree was junior bridesmad and flower girl.
Best man was Thomas Kurdy of Lewiston, brother of the bridegroom. John Reed Seery of Sierra Madre, Calif., brother of the bride, was the usher.
Andrew Sparling of Carefree was the ring bearer.
Organist Mary Schoenoff of Carefree and pianist Jessica Sparling provided music.
A reception followed the ceremony at Boulder's Country Club at Carefree. The couple are living at Ponca City.