StoriesJanuary 17, 1994

The Whitman County Extension office at Colfax is planning several programs relating to private applicator licensing and pesticide recertification.

A review session and examination for anyone needing a private applicator license will be held Jan. 26 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Colfax Public Service Building.

The review will be conducted by extension agents John Burns and Randy Baldree followed by the exam at 1:30 p.m. The exam may be taken without attending the review s

ession. The review will cover subjects contained in the Private Applicator Study Manual available at the WSU Cooperative Extension, Whitman County Office at Colfax.

Anyone wishing to take the exam should schedule at least two hours to complete the 75 question test.

The Whitman County Extension office will also hold three pesticide recertification programs with three recertification hours provided upon completion.

The programs are:

*Jan. 27 9 a.m. to noon, Odd Fellows Hall, Oakesdale.

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*Feb. 10 9 a.m. to noon, Public Service Building, Colfax.

*Feb. 24 1 to 4 p.m., Colton Gun Club.

Topics to be covered at the Oakesdale program will include:

*Cereal grain and pulse crop seed treatment options for disease control in annual cropping systems.

*Varietal selection options compared to fungicide use for disease control in winter wheat.


entification and control of primary noxious weed species specific to Whitman County.

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