StoriesFebruary 19, 1994

A 23-year-old Lapwai man was charged with aggravated assault after allegedly firing a gun at his ex-wife

's boyfriend Thursday night.

Lewiston police were called to a report of a gun being fired in a trailer park at 3225 Sixth St. at 8:50 p.m.

The suspect had left the area on foot, but was spotted by Police Chief Jack Baldwin, who had been monitoring radio traffic concerning the incident.

Baldwin reported the suspect was walking on Fifth Street aproaching Stewart Avenue. S

gt. Randy Kingsbury then saw the suspect and yelled at him to stop, but the man ran off into a field, accor

ding to the police report.

Other patrol cars were called to seal off the canyon into which the suspect had fl

ed and police dog Unik was called to the scene. But after about 10 minutes, the suspect, identified as Charles Jason Bogar, came out of the field and surrendered without resistance.

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Unik searched the field and found a travel bag the suspect had been carrying. Inside the bag were 85 .22-caliber hollow point bullets, but no gun, the police report said. The search for a gun continued Friday without success.

Bogar told officers he hadn't fired a gun, but had set off a firecracker.

Cameron Shoemaker, however, told police Bogar had held a

gun two inches from his face, said to him '''Boom, you're dead,''' and fired. Shoemaker said he heard a click, but the gun apparently misfired.

Shoemaker and Bogar's ex-wife, Rhonda Knight, said Bogar then ran ou

t of Knight's mobile home and fired another shot.

Police found an empty .22-caliber shell casing outside the mobile home.

Bogar and Knight's 7-month-old son was inside the mobile home during the incident. No one was injured.

Bogar made an initial appearance in court Friday. In addition to the aggravated assault charge, he faces a sentencing enhancement for use of a firearm during commission of a felony.

The public defender was appointed to represent Bogar and his bond was set at $10,000. A preliminary hearing was set for March 2.

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