The ScoopNovember 24, 2024

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Nov. 24, 2004

What was once a mobile blood collection center has grown roots.

The Inland Northwest Blood Center branch opened its doors at 1213 21st St. in Lewiston Tuesday, marking the first time the nonprofit blood donation organization has a storefront presence in the valley.

The center is the sole provider of blood and platelets to St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, Tri-State Hospital and Garfield County Memorial Hospital.

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A new housing development for low-income elderly residents is going up in Clarkston.

The one-bedroom units will be built at 1207 Washington St., according to Judy Thompson, executive director of the Asotin County Housing Authority.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson said Northwest Regional Facilitators will be getting a $1.4 million capital advance to build 18 one-bedroom units for low-income elderly persons and a two-bedroom unit for a resident manager.

The construction start date has not been nailed down.

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