The ScoopDecember 1, 2024

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Dec. 1, 1984

PULLMAN — A single governing board for Washington State University and Eastern Washington University has been selected as the best means of ending Spokane’s higher education turf war.

In addition, the Spokane Higher Education Coordination Committee on Friday called for establishing a multicampus higher education center in downtown Spokane.

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But, at the last of six sessions dating back to June, the committee also stopped far short of calling for a complete merger of the two institutions, stipulating that the universities should maintain their separate identities.


Steven P. Weisgerber, a retired sales manager of a Lewiston baking company, was elected president of Tri-State Memorial Hospital board of directors Thursday, succeeding Bea Davis.

The hospital membership, meeting in annual session at the Clarkston branch of Walla Wall Community College, was told the hospital is finishing one of its most progressive years.

Retiring President Davis said a new wing was built and dedicated, and the emergency room was reopened with Dr. James Bowen on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He lives within three minutes travel time from the emergency room.

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