The ScoopNovember 24, 2024

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Nov. 24, 1964

PALOUSE — Bids for the construction of four new classrooms, a gymnasium and other additions to Palouse High School will be lot in March, according to Lewis Miles, superintendent.

New construction has been forced by a growth in school enrollment ranging from 3 to 5 per cent a year for the past several years, he said.

Planning for the new work, which will also include conversion of the old gymnasium into a cafeteria and the old shop into a school kitchen, was begun about a year ago by a citizens committee of the town, he said.

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A fund-raising drive to bring educational television to viewers in the Lewiston-Clarkston area could also result in the installation of a new transmitting antenna which will greatly improve reception, according to E. Glenn Clark, manager of the Orchards Community Television Ass’n.

Clark said an improved antenna atop Lewiston Hill is being tested and results so far indicate that it will improve reception in the Twin Cities from 10 to 50 per cent, depending on the location. The tests have shown that reception is improved most in Lewiston Orchards and in west Clarkston.

Cost of buying and installing the new antenna would be about $600, he said. This would push the goal of the fund-raising drive to $6,100. The initial goal, which would cover the cost of rebroadcasting educational programs from Washington State University at Pullman, was $5,500.

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