The Edge
Today is Monday, the 89th day of 2009. There are 276 days left in the year. Today is Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence Day. While that's true, it's always prudent to remember the reason the grass often is greener is because it's directly over a septic tank drain field.
Late night chuckles
"Now here's evidence of actual progress in Iraq. Iraq, as of today, is officially open to tourism. Cut me a slice of that."
-David Letterman
"But I was thinking about this. If you want to take a trip, a vacation, to some place where they've got sniper fire, dangerous streets, a lot of goat-based food, and random violence, just come to New York City."
- David Letterman
In Saudi Arabia, radical clerics want to ban all women from appearing on television. This is really bad news for fans of the hit comedy, 'How I Met Your Mullah.' "
-Jimmy Fallon
"Did you hear about this? Nickelodeon's asking all children to unplug electronic devices for one minute on Earth Day to teach the importance of respecting the environment. I think it's a great idea, unless the kids are visiting their grandmother in a nursing home. Then that one minute is pretty rough. 'SpongeBob killed Nana. What happened?' "
- Jimmy Fallon
Riddle me this
Spring break's over. Time to put on your thinking caps, folks.
SURVIVORMAN: The man stared through the dirty window on the 14th floor of the office tower. He felt an overwhelming wave of depression and slowly slid open the window and jumped through it. He landed completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?
WHAT AM I? I am an insect. The first part of my name is that of another insect.
Send your answers before 5 p.m. Friday to be entered into the weekly contest. Answers may be sent to one of the addresses listed below, by fax or dropped off in person at the Tribune switchboard during regular business hours. Be sure to include your first and last name and city of residence. We'll print the names of anyone who correctly solves both puzzles.
x Mississippi
x rhine
x danube
x amazon
Enevr stte teh pthed fo teh wtera hwti boht efet.
CHIMP - Making a monkey out of him
Nerve od arcd kstcri fro eht gpuro uyo lyap roepk ithw. - Never do card tricks for the group you play poker with.
Susan Engle, Edge editor, may be contacted at; The Edge, 505 Capital St., Lewiston, ID 83501; (208) 848-2228; or by fax, attn: Edge, (208) 746-1185.