Several hundred north central Idaho teachers will open a two-day second district convention of the Idaho Education Ass’n at 8 this morning at the Lewiston High School Auditorium. National and state speakers and committee and sectional meetings are scheduled today and tomorrow. Theme of the meeting is “Today’s Youth, Tomorrow’s Adult.”
Lewiston public school students will be dismissed from classes both days. Pupils at St. Stanislaus and Our Lady of Lourdes parochial schools will attend classes today, but will be dismissed tomorrow for an institute for Catholic schoolteachers from north central Idaho. The institute will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes school.
Jack Jones, Sandpoint superintendent of schools, will preside at all general IEA convention sessions.
Kentuckian To Speak
Dr. Lyman Ginger, dean of the College of Education at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, will give the principal address at 9:20 this morning. Dr. Ginger is a past president of the National Education Ass’n.
At a noon luncheon for classroom teachers at the Lewiston Elks, Miss Rita Jacoby, Jersey City, N.J., president of the Department of Classroom Teachers of the NEA, will speak. Miss Jacoby is an eighth grade language art and fine art teacher at Jersey City.
“The Challenge of Our Profession” will be the subject of Elmer S. Crowley, Boise, executive secretary of the IEA, in a talk at 10:30 a.m. at the high school.
Dr. John Furbay, educational director for Trans-World Airlines, will speak on “The Four Dreams of Man.”
Specialized Gatherings
Committee and sectional meetings on public relations, teacher education and professional standards, child welfare, teacher welfare, school finance and administration will he held between 11:15 and noon at the high school.
Sectional meetings during the afternoon will be for elementary and secondary principals, coaches, art, English and home economics teachers and librarians. Sections will also deal with mental health and physical education in the elementary grades.
The convention here is one of a series of district meetings being conducted throughout the slate. The meetings are authorized by the State Board of Education and attendance at sessions is considered to be a part of each teacher’s contract obligation.
This story was published in the Oct. 8, 1962, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.