Local NewsDecember 20, 2024

Of Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024


St. Joseph Regional Medical Center

Julianne Big Man and Aaron Wheeler, of Lapwai, a son, William Dean Wheeler, born Wednesday.

Zoe Wright and Treven Fleury, of Lewiston, a daughter, Scottie James Fleury, born Wednesday.

Kayle and Cole Sanderson, of Lewiston, a son, Owen Bray Sanderson, born Thursday.

Marriage Licenses

Nez Perce County

Anton Plisenko and Jamie Lynn Beard, both of Lewiston.


Nez Perce County


Sunshine Brotherton and Kevin Brotherton.


Ayanna T. Barrera and Sipriano Ruben Barrera.

District Court

Nez Perce County

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Judge Mark Monson

Satana L. Estes, 47, of Peck, found guilty after trial of possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), a felony. Sentenced to 2-4 years, sentence suspended, 30 days jail discretionary, four years felony probation, 100 hours of community service and pay $345.50.

Kenneth L. Fuller Jr., 40, of Moscow, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), a felony. Sentenced to 2-5 years, sentence suspended, six days credit, five years felony probation, 100 hours of community service and pay $345.50.

Timothy D. Kinney, 62, of Lewiston, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, a felony. Sentenced to 3-6 years, sentence suspended, 67 days credit, 30 days jail discretionary, six years felony probation, 100 hours community service and pay $345.50.

Magistrate Court

Nez Perce County

Judge Victoria Olds

Angel R. Cordoba, 40 of Lewiston, charged with aggravated assault, a felony. Preliminary hearing Dec. 30.

Superior Court

Asotin County

Judge Thomas Cox

Austin J. Sweringen, 25, Lewiston, pleaded not guilty to attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle, two counts of first-degree driving while license suspended, obstruction of a law enforcement officer, second-degree criminal trespass.

Roy Taumoepenu, 29, Asotin, residential burglary, domestic violence, third-degree assault, violation of a court order, theft of a motor vehicle, sentenced under First Time Offender Waiver (FTOW) to 65 days in jail with credit for time served, 12 months of community custody.

Isik C. Best, 39, Lewiston, pleaded not guilty to first-degree burglary, domestic violence, two counts of fourth-degree assault, third-degree malicious mischief.

Chance W. Goldworthy, 53, Clarkston, pleaded not guilty to second-degree rape, domestic violence, tampering with a witness, fourth-degree assault, domestic violence.

Jonathan K. Ruscoe, 31, transient, second-degree burglary, third-degree theft, sentenced to 33 days in jail under First Time Offender Waiver (FTOW), credit for time served, two years of community custody.

Harold T. Milne, 62, Clarkston, felony harassment, sentenced to four days in jail under First Time Offender Waiver (FTOW), credit for time served.

David C. Moody, 36, Clarkston, pleaded not guilty to bribing a witness, tampering with a witness, 16 counts of violating a domestic violence court order.

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