NorthwestJuly 16, 1996

Car cruising scheduled this weekend at Orofino

OROFINO-- The Eighth Annual Mid-Summer Cruz and Show 'n' Shine will take place this weekend here.

Registration is Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the West One Bank parking lot for the parade and cruise. Cruising begins at 5 p.m. with a parade downtown.

The Cool Rays will perform at the National Guard Armory at 9 p.m..

Sunday is the show 'n' shine. Registration starts at 8 a.m. There is no entry fee for those registering before the event begins at 10 a.m. It is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the city park and is free. A prize drawing, special displays, live music and games will also take place during the show 'n' shine.

Concessions and collectibles will be available both days.

More information is available through KLER radio at 476-5702 or the Orofino Chamber of Commerce at 476-4335.

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O'Hara campground is closed through July 22

GRANGEVILLE -- The O'Hara campground, seven miles up the Selway River Road, will be closed through July 22 to allow crews to pave the roads and parking areas.

The Fenn Pond near the Fenn Ranger Station also will be closed during this time to allow paving of the parking area.

Information about the projects may be obtained by calling Jeff Mell at Fenn Ranger Station at 926-4258.

Steel drum band will entertain at Pullman

PULLMAN-- The Toucans will pack their steel drums to Pullman for a noon concert and barbecue at the Todd Hall Plaza area on the Washington State University campus July 18.

The Seattle-based band plays skillfully hammered 55-gallon oil drums that can be tuned to produce tones. Steel drums carry the full chromatic range of notes. The Toucans play a mix of music with African and Caribbean influences including calypso, soca, samba and reggae.

The concert is free, and food can be purchased from the WSU Compton Union Building Dining Services. The barbecue begins at 11:30 a.m. preceding the concert.

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