Lewiston Golf & Country club yesterday defeated Clarkston Golf & Country club 42-39 in a 25-man team match at the Clarkston course to win the first inter-club competition between the groups in over a decade.
The match was a playoff for the honor of first earning the trophy donated by Erb Hardware Co. annual competition will be held for the cup.
Clarkston was handicapped by having to forfeit nine points because it lacked the 25-man team which had been agreed upon. Only 22 players were available for the host squad. Points were awarded to the winner of each nine holes and the winner of the 18.
Welch Leads Win
Pro Bill Welch led the Lewiston team to victory with a sizzling five-under-par 66 on an otherwise shivering day. The Texas Tiger, as Welch is known because of his tenacity on a golf course and his home state, didn’t card a bogey in winning three points from Pro Ray Honsberger of Clarkston.
Individual results, Lewiston players listed first: Palmer Soderberg 1, Mert Dawald 2, Al Schneider 1½, Bill Pontius 1. Don Gilliam 0, George Ruckman 3, Virgil Estes 2, Clyde Carlyle 1, Ed Keller 2, Ennis Johnson 1, John White 1½, Al Fredrickson 1½, Waddie Gibson 3, Dale Kenaston 0, Vera Rognstad ½, Clarence Leland 2½.
H. F. Bushman 3, Elbert Stellmon 0, Elmer McDonald 3, Dr. Fred Feese 0, Roland Northlander 1½, Dr. W. H. Pierce 1½, John Eakin 0, Hugh Helpman 3, Ross Fritzley 0, Lennie Stroup 3, Harry Everett 1, Elton Gaskill 2, W. E. Erickson 1, Sid Anderson 2.
Ray Weeks 1½, Ray Atabelo 1½, Craig Perkins 0, Leo Snider 3, Rev. Fr. Anton Flour 2½, Don Galles ½, Floyd Johnson ½, George Sarchet 2½, Seeley Allen 3, Mark Mace 0, Bill Leuschel 1½, Charlie Boren 1½.
This story was published in the Nov. 26, 1951, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.