SEPT. 15
l GOLF SCRAMBLE The Latah County Vandal Boosters will hold their sixth annual Golf Scramble this day at the Moscow Elks Golf Club. To coincide with the Idaho-Sonoma State football game, the 18-hole event will feature five-player teams. There is a $50 entry fee although members will be charged $40. Registration is set for 9 a.m.,and a 10 a.m. shotgun start is planned. All proceeds will benefit athletics at the University of Idaho. Any questions should be directed to Chuck Labine at 885-9483, Dick Zimmer at 882-4571 or Shelly Femreite at 882-5561.
SEPT. 16
l STEPPING STONES 5K FUN RUN/WALK A 5K fun run/walk to benefit adults in Latah and Nez Perce counties with developmental disabilities will be held to coincide with the Latah County Fair. Registration starts at 9 a.m. at the fairgrounds in Moscow. There is also a half-mile kids run starting at 9:25 a.m. Cash prizes will be awarded to the overall men's, women's and wheelchair winners of the 5K run. Entry fee is $12 and includes a T-shirt. Entry forms are available at Tri-State Outfitters in Lewiston or at the Stepping Stones office at 521 S. Main in Moscow.
l FUN RUN AT OROFINO The 17th annual Orofino Lumberjack Days Fun Run is scheduled for this day in two divisions10 kilometers and 2miles. Tholse wishing to register may do so at the Orofino Builder's Supply or the Vision Arts Center. And there will be registration at the Orofino Airport this day at 7 a.m. The races start at 8 a.m. Additional information can be had by calling 486-6242 in the evenings.
l DOUBLES VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT A doubles grass volleyball tournament will be held on this date at the Washington State University intramural field. The event, open to men's and women's teams, gets under way at 9 a.m. with registration running from 8 to 8:45 a.m. Entry fee is $15. For more information contact Mark Jones at (509) 334-3759.